The Galleryman has brought you the best in bra's, decollete's, lingerie and bikini's and just when you thought it couldn't get any better here comes a brand new series for my fans who love rear views. Yes my friends, The Galleryman proudly presents The Hottest Buns Collection which is a series of photohubs dedicated to the Gluteus Maximus, everyone's favourite muscle. Witness the most beautifully carved, sculpted, round and firm buns ever caught on camera. This will serve as motivation to all you ladies out there to hit the gym and exercise to work on your buns. Guys, please take note and get your girlfriends to exercise.
The Galleryman presents none other than Kelly Brook who is the former queen of the FHM 100 sexiest women in the world. Kelly Brook is a sizzling sexy supermodel. Kelly Brook's beautiful figure caught the attention of the Daily Star, then the British public and soon become a sensation across the world.